Each and every day we marvel at how many incredibly loyal regulars we have and we sincerely appreciate how supportive of us you’ve been all these years. (We know you’re a regular; only regulars read Taco Talk. No one else knows what to make of it.)
With that said, there’s a lot more competition for your burrito dollar these days and we wanted to helpfully remind you of the many reasons why you should continue to choose Cal Tort over everyone else. Ready?
Some of the many reasons to eat at Cal Tort:
• We use only 100% fresh chicken breasts in all our cooking. (Okay, not in our brownies, but you know what I mean.)
• We use only 100% roma tomatoes in our salsa.
• We use only 100% sea monkeys in our sea monkey experiments. (Does anyone remember when we did these? The sea monkeys that “guaranteed a lifetime of fun!” lived for about 6 seconds. And by the looks of the water it wasn’t a happy 6 seconds.)
• We have over 75 different hot sauces that we encourage you to bring to your table. (This is 74 more than we had when we first opened–and I thought that was too many. Apparently I’m not the visionary I think I am.)
• We can substitute veggies for chicken or beef on any menu item. We have the technology.
• We’ve got the Burrito Elito card, Honey Lime dressing and the best chili around. Need I say more? Of course I do. We’ve also got Havana sauce that I LOVE and chips and queso that are to die for.
• Everything is made fresh daily.
• Fast Casual Magazine says that California Tortilla is #15 on the list of 2009’s Top 100 Movers and Shakers. And lookie here–we’re ahead of all other Mexican restaurants. Yee-ha! Says the annoying smug lady.
So there you have it, folks. Now when someone asks you, “Why California Tortilla?” (as they so often do), you can take this out of your pocket and read it to them. They’ll like that.
Cal Screamin’ Burrito: Blackened Chicken, Mexican rice, our very own Cal Tort Screamin’ hot sauce, our can’t-get-it-anywhere-else queso, grilled peppers and onions and fresh salsa. How tasty does that sound? (Chips not included. But that doesn’t mean you can’t buy them.)
I’m going to make this short and sweet. (It could happen.) Because we know how much you love double points, we’ve got TWO Double Burrito Elito Point Days this month: Tuesday, March 2nd and Wednesday, March 17th. On those days you’ll get double points on all purchases excluding catering orders and gift card and pony purchases. Woo-hoo! (Woo-hoo that it’s double points, not woo-hoo that there are exceptions.)
I’m not absolutely positive about this yet, but you might only have until the end of March to get a $5 Fiesta–any small burrito (okay, steak and the Cal Screamin’ Burrito are 50 cents more) and a handful of crispy chips and salsa for only $5. So hurry to your closest participating Cal Tort and order that fabulous $5 Fiesta. It’s the best deal in town.