Monday, July 26,2010
Store Location: Dulles 28
Band: The Silent Critics
Time: 7 – 9 pm
Offer: Say “BOB” ( Battle of the Bands) to the cashier and get free chips and queso (or salsa) from 7 – 9 pm
Wednesday, July 27,2010
Store Location: Newark
Band: Fools & Horses
Time: 7 – 9 pm
Offer: Buy One Burrito, Get One Free after 5 pm (good with any size burrito)
Thursday, July 29,2010
Store Location: Olney
Band: Stranger Inside
Time: 7-9 pm
Offer: Say “BOB” ( Battle of the Bands) to the cashier and get free chips and queso (or salsa) from 7 – 9 pm
Friday, July 30,2010
Store Location: Hoffman Center
Band: Silvertongue
Time: 7 – 9 pm