California Tortilla’s eagerly awaited predictions for 2010!

2010 Cal Tort Predictions:

• Twitter will be replaced by “Fruiter.” People will convey their most intimate thoughts using rapid-fire images of pineapples. Anyone who can’t keep up will be asked to leave the country.
• Balloon Boy will come out with his much anticipated book, “My Name is Falcon. My Parents Were on Wife Swap. We Were Working on a Giant UFO-Shaped Helium Balloon. How is it Possible You Didn’t Know Mommy and Daddy Were Nuts?”
• The founders of Facebook will start a new social networking site called Macebook. For those who think unfriending someone just isn’t enough, their wall will drive the point home by spraying the unsuspecting bad friend with the popular police irritant.
• Nicole Kidman will be the odds on favorite to win NBC’s latest hit show “Dancing with the Stars’ Heads.” (And you thought I wasn’t going to bring up Nicole’s forehead this year, didn’t you?)
You heard it hear first, folks.


As if Mondays weren’t exciting enough already, every Monday from now until the end of the year, we’re giving DOUBLE Burrito Elito points on all Cal Tort purchases. Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! No matter what you buy, except for catering, gift cards and Cal Tort ponies, you’ll get twice the points. At $1 a point, you’ll be at 50 points, and therefore $5 in Burrito Bucks, in no time. See–I told you it was exciting.


Not sure what to get your spunky loved one for the holidays? Why, look. I’ve composed a handy list for just about anyone on your list:

Darn Fabulous Cal Tort Gift Ideas:
• Gift Cards: Available in any denomination, this is the perfect present for a holiday gift exchange. (Last year my brother-in-law’s work had a gift exchange and everyone except one person brought a Starbucks gift card. It’s a wonder people don’t move faster.)
• A Bottle of Hot Sauce: Make it 2 people who don’t bring a Starbucks gift card to the gift exchange. Break the chain, people! Break the chain!
• Burrito Elito Card: Once you earn $5 in Burrito Bucks on your card, re-gift it. Re-gifting is acceptable in a quasi-stinky economy and even if it’s not, this is different because it’s kind of like re-gifting cash. (Cash that’s registered in your name.)

I told you these were fabulous gift ideas.



You’ve still got plenty of time to have Cal Tort cater your holiday party. Who knew? Click here for all your affordably delicious options.

On that note, Happy Holidays from all of us at California Tortilla!