2013 Predictions

California Tortilla’s eagerly awaited predictions for the new year:

  • Princess Kate will go topless way less in 2013.
  • In an effort to restore their reputation, military leaders will pledge to have fewer affairs with crazy people.
  • Honey Boo Boo will get really cranky when she realizes she’s got to live with that name for the rest of her life.
  • When I tell my husband, “Go to the store and buy a dozen bagels, but whatever you do, don’t get raisin bagels,” he will hear: “Buy a dozen raisin bagels and nothing but raisin bagels.”
  • This just in. Apple will come out with the iPam. It will do nothing but find your reading glasses and fix your printer. (A girl can dream, can’t she?)
  • California Tortilla will bring back the Chicken Bacon Club Burrito starting January 21st and the crowds will go wild. Mark my words.

LOSE WEIGHT NOW! Ask me how.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve made a resolution to lose weight this year. Lucky for you, we’ve got fabulously delicious salads that are the perfect thing to help you get started. My personal favorite is the Southwestern Chicken Salad with candy honey lime dressing. It’s so good that I get it without cheese – and that’s saying a lot, since as you know, I’m all about the cheese.

Looking for something other than a salad? We’ve also got burritos in a bowl, quesadillas with light cheese and a variety of vegetarian items that you’ll love. So stop on by in the New Year and get the weight loss party started! (Doesn’t that sound like the worst party ever?)

On that note, we’ll see you in 2013…

Need to feed your team for the big game? Let Cal Tort help you out! Click here for all the scoop.