California Tortilla’s eagerly awaited predictions for 2012. Ready?
Cal Tort’s 2012 Predictions
- Mindful of the perils of social networking, politicians will diligently work on finding a new way to send constituents photos of their body parts.
- Someone will buy a cupcake from a cupcake store and not say, “I find this cupcake dry. Do you find it dry? I don’t know what all the fuss is about. I could make this at home for a quarter.”
- The man who keeps emailing me that he’s stuck in a London hotel room without any cash, credit cards, ID or access to a phone (or door apparently) will finally figure out how to get out of that darn place. (Or am I the only one who gets this email every couple of hours?)
- Princess Kate will give birth and one of Princess Fergie’s daughters will wear the new baby as a hat.
- Scores of Taco Talk readers will point out that Fergie is a duchess, not a princess. The writer of Taco Talk will ignore them. She will also assure them that she does not endorse wearing children as headgear.
- California Tortilla will undergo some fabulous changes in 2012 and the crowds will cheer wildly. Just you wait.
You heard it here first, folks.
Did you know that almost all of California Tortilla’s menu items can be made vegetarian? Just say, “Veg me!” (with gusto) when you order and we’ll switch out the protein for our delicious veggie mix: corn, red onions, zucchini and red, green and yellow peppers. PLUS, for the month of January we’ll donate 50 cents to local food banks for every veggie item sold, up to $5000. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we’ve up the veggie ante.
See you here…
BIG GAME (as in football, not large wild animals) CATERING
Okay, for reasons unbeknownst to me I’m not allowed to say the name of the super big game coming up, but I really think you should have California Tortilla cater it; your friends and family will be super happy about it.
For a super great catering experience for all the super events in your life, call 1-855-225-8678 (1-855-CALTORT) from 9-6 Monday through Friday to place your super delicious order. Super spunky catering specialists are standing by!
And if you had any idea how much I dislike the word “super,” you’d really appreciate how painful that paragraph was for me to write.