It’s true–for a second year in a row, California Tortilla has been voted “Best Burrito” by Washingtonian Magazine. Isn’t that exciting? That means I get to wear my tiara again to the “Best Of” gala. And as you know, I love wearing my tiara. It sets me apart from the normal people. (Because I need so much help with that.)

So to thank you all for taking the time to go online and vote for us, you darn loyal customers you…


That’s right–to thank you for voting us “Best Burrito,” every Tuesday in July we’re giving you double Burrito Elito points on all your purchases.* And if I were a smarter person I’d make a clever play on the whole “two” theme (two wins, twice the points, TWOsdays). But since I’m not, I won’t. But when we first came up with this promotion, I think that was where we were going with it. (Note to self: Listen in meetings.)

We really do appreciate that you took the time to vote for us and hope that you’ll take advantage of double point Tuesdays in July–you deserve it. (The people who didn’t vote for us will be riding on your coattails. How do you feel about that?)

Thanks again!

*Say it with me: Except for catering, gift card and pony purchases.


While I know that you voted for us because you really do think that we have the best burritos with the freshest ingredients around, I think that much more went into your decision than you realize. (Do you like how I’m saying that you’re not that smart either?)

So with that said, here are just a few of the hidden reasons that I think you voted for us:

• On the second day we were open we put up a sign that said, “Over a Billion Burritos Sold!” (I liked that nobody questioned it. How busy did they think we were that first day?)

• In the past year alone we’ve given out $1,505,499.97 in Burrito Bucks. (I have no idea why it’s not a round number, given that we give them out in $5 increments. Apparently we owe someone 3 cents.)

• You secretly like that we make you whisper passwords like “shloopy baroopy” to the spunky cashier, even though you pretend to be annoyed. She says hopefully.

• Once, in response to a competitor’s window sign that said, “WE HAVE COD!,” we put up a sign that said, “WE DON’T HAVE COD!” (Seriously, when did cod become a selling point?)

• We steal good ideas better than anyone on the planet. Do you think the Monday Night Wheel was our idea? Nope. How about the Crunchy BBQ Ranch Burrito? Nope. The cod sign? Yep. (There are surprisingly few good cod signs to copy out there.)

• We can place a “Free Burritos For a Year” coupon in a Pop Tart pouch with surgical precision. Take that Chipotle.

• We periodically put up a sign that says “Under Same Management!”

So there you have it. Which are you more amazed at–my ability to decipher the interworkings of your brain or how much money we spend on signs just to amuse ourselves?


While many of you might not know this, for the past 15 years local bands have been playing to enthusiastic crowds on various Cal Tort patios across the land. (Which we found was much more successful than our Doggie Yappy Hours. Those dogs could not sing.)

And because we love our local bands, Cal Tort is proud to announce that we’re sponsoring WHFS’s “The California Tortilla Battle to Break Out.” The winner gets to open at the HFStival on September 18th. Plus, the Top 20 bands get a Cal Tort swag bag (I love our swag) and the opportunity to play at one of our stores. And if that’s not enough, all musicians get a free burrito just for entering.

If you’re an unsigned local band and you’re interested in competing (Do it! Do it!), click here. Good luck.

On that note, have a safe and happy 4th. Heck–go crazy and be safe all month.


Our lovely Director of Marketing:

Hi — I’m Stacey. Are you a fan of companies like Zappos and Dell? Want to learn how they built their brands? Attend the “How to be a Word of Mouth Marketing Supergenius Conference” in NY on July 20th. I’ll be there and I’ll be talking about how fabulous you guys are!

If you’d like to attend, you can get $100 off by using code Staceyismyhero. (You can also donate your discount to the conference’s charity: http://mycharitywater.org/wom. $20 will provide water for 1 person for 20 years.) Click here for tickets.

Plus we will have 1 free pass to give away. To enter just E-mail skane@caltort.com your Name, Occupation, Favorite Character on Glee or 24, favorite Word of Mouth Marketing campaign ever and why we should pick you. Deadline is July 5th

Also, please make sure to join us at the swanky “Best Of” Party, July 21st at the National Building Museum. Caltort customers get $10 off with code “taco1.” Click here for tickets. All profits from the event go to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

I hope to see you soon!

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