Nutritional Calculator
Use the tool below to build and customize your favorite dishes. The information is compiled based on the product information provided by California Tortilla approved food manufacturers and approved recipes. We make every effort to keep this information up to date and cannot account for every possible variation due to the extensive customization options available to our guests.
Nutritional Facts
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- 0G0
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# percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet
- Black Beans45.5 cal
- Cabbage Slaw11.5 cal
- Cilantro6 cal
- Crispy Tortilla Bowl259 cal
- Extra Blackened Chicken154 cal
- Extra Blackened Fish103.6 cal
- Extra Carnitas66.5 cal
- Extra Fajita Veggies44 cal
- Extra Grilled Chicken62 cal
- Extra Mesquite Chicken80 cal
- Extra Steak84 cal
- Extra Taco Beef140 cal
- Extra Tofu97 cal
- Fire roasted corn salsa22.5 cal
- Fresh Jalapeño10 cal
- Fresh Spinach6 cal
- Green Onions10 cal
- Guacamole38.5 cal
- Jack Cheese106 cal
- Mango Salsa16.3 cal
- Mexican quinoa17.5 cal
- Mexican Rice240 cal
- Pico de Gallo Salsa6.5 cal
- Queso64 cal
- Roma Tomatoes5 cal
- Shredded Romaine4 cal
- Sour Cream60 cal
- Tortilla Strips109 cal
Sauce and Dressing
- BBQ Ranch Sauce89.18 cal
- BBQ Sauce60 cal
- Caesar Dressing180 cal
- Caesar Sauce180 cal
- Caribbean Mango Dressing43 cal
- Caribbean Mango Sauce43 cal
- Chipotle Sour Cream38.1 cal
- Enchilada Sauce14 cal
- Honey Lime Dressing119.06 cal
- Honey Lime Sauce119.06 cal
- Korean BBQ Sauce112.34 cal
- Lite Olive Oil Vinaigrette60 cal
- Ranch Sauce103.77 cal
- Screamin' Sauce9 cal
- Sour Cream60 cal
- Spicy Sunset Dressing32 cal
- Spicy Sunset Sauce32 cal
- Sriracha Chili Sauce0 cal
Allergens included in this item
- Egg
- Fish
- Milk
- Peanuts
- Shellfish
- Soy
- Treenuts
- Wheat
- Gluten
We have attempted to identify all ingredients that may cause allergic reactions for those with food allergies, and we make every effort to avoid cross-contact of allergens but there is always the potential risk of cross-contamination.