We’re excited to announce that once again we’re participating in the Dine Out for No Kid Hungry; a campaign dedicated to helping end childhood hunger in America. Here’s how it works: When you donate a dollar or more at any Cal Tort between Monday, September 19 and Saturday, September 24, we’ll give you a coupon for a FREE TACO on your next visit. Each dollar you donate will provide 10 meals for a hungry child. Yes, 10 meals!
So please join us from 9/19-9/24 and help us fight childhood hunger. It’s a great, yet really simple way to get involved.
*Please note that this year, unlike last year, we’re hoping to help end childhood hunger instead of childhood in general. It sounds crazy, I know.
The fabulous Bangkok Shrimp specials are going away this month, so get ‘em while you can.
As many of you know, we just celebrated our 16th birthday. And because we’re all about giving (me in particular), we thought we’d take a few moments of your time and share with you just a few of the very important lessons that we’ve learned over the years—just in case you’re thinking of opening a business yourself one day. Ready?
- OUCH! That grill is hot!
- Never order 500,000 wax lips.
- No matter how many different mascots you buy, they’ll all be too hot for any human to ever wear and they’ll get dirty just by looking at them.
- If one of the biggest earthquakes in a century occurs, people will continue eating.
- If one of the biggest hurricanes in a century occurs, people will stop eating. (You people make disaster planning very difficult.)
- A customer will go to great lengths to be removed from your email list, including filing a police report. (Okay, maybe that’s just particular to my email list. But seriously, how scary am I that he had to get the police involved?)
- Your franchise lawyer is very picky about what you can say in your newsletter.
- Having a promotion that entails customers throwing a ball into a hoop that’s behind the cashier’s head isn’t nearly as good an idea as it sounds. (Where was our franchise lawyer that day?)
- If you have a focus group, no one will focus; they’ll just talk about their pets.
- If you talk to the food delivery guy, he will think you like him.
So there you have it folks—valuable insights that I think we can all agree can be applied to any business. And I’ve got plenty more where those came from, so just ask.
The winner of this month’s Cal Tort-catered party is Ned Ferris, a member of the University of Delaware’s Delta Tau Delta. And Ned, nice guy that he is, used his catering party to throw a burrito catering party for the “unbelievably nice kids” of the Greater Newark Boys and Girls Club. He and several of his fraternity brothers volunteer for the Greater Newark Boys and Girls Club, an incredible program that helps low income kids.
So congratulations, Ned. You have no idea how thrilled we are to make you this month’s contest winner—and how impressed we are with how thoughtful you guys are. And congratulations kids for being so darn cute! It’s not as easy as it looks. I know of what I speak.

Aforementioned nice, cute kids.
On that note, I hope you have a disaster-free Labor Day!