Hi there Cal Torter –

Enjoy your May Taco Talk. It’s got all the free food scoop and one big scoop. (What could it be?)

See you here…

Pam aka Queen of Burritos

(Email me at pfelix@californiatortilla.com or hit “reply.”)

P.S. Last chance! When you call our catering hotline TODAY and place a catering order for $200 or more for anytime between May 2nd and May 5th, we’ll give you a free piñata chockfull of Cal Tort coupons and treats. Just call 1-885-225-CALTORT (8678) to place your order.

And to celebrate, we’re giving anyone who orders an entrée on Monday, May 5th a coupon for a free taco. The coupon can be used from May 6th-May 12th. The tacos are fabulously delicious year round.


We get lots of questions here at the Cal Tort HQ, and I’d like to answer just a few of the more pressing ones we’ve gotten lately. But before we answer your questions, answer one for us… and you could WIN TICKETS to Ray LaMontagne June 4th! Ready?

Q. What is California Tortilla’s Most Ordered Chef- Inspired Burrito?
A. Know the answer? Wanna guess? Email your answer to contests@930club.com and win 2 tickets PLUS 2 VIP passes to the Merriweather Post Pavilion show!

Okay, now your questions:

Q. My friend always wants a bite of my brownie; how do I say no without looking like a scrooge?
A. You don’t. You say, “Sure!” and then right before handing it to her, lick it. I promise, that’ll put a stop to that. And if not, you need a new friend for many other reasons.

Q. Will you ever install a drive-thru window at any of your locations?
A. Possibly. But you’ll have to finish your food before leaving the pick-up window—eating while driving just isn’t safe.

Q. Why don’t women high five each other after they use a particularly hot hot sauce from the Wall of Flame?
A. Because they’re normal.

Q. What is the single biggest complaint you get from customers?
A. That I insinuate half of them aren’t normal.

Q. Do you cater a lot of high school and college graduation parties?
A. Why yes we do! People love it because there’s so much great food for such a great price. Thanks so much for giving me an opportunity to casually mention it.

*I once worked at a really expensive university where on graduation day they planned on giving each family a box of gourmet oatmeal cookies. But the first families started stampeding and frantically grabbed up all the boxes – like they were trying to get the tuition back in oatmeal cookies. It was a tender, tender moment.

Q. Every time I order, my co-worker whips out her Burrito Elito card before I can find mine and then she ends up getting the points for my meal. How can I get her to stop?
A. The next time she does this and the spunky cashier says, “You have $5 in Burrito Bucks on your card, do you want to use it?” say yes.

I’m very sad to say that Alan, who opened the first California Tortilla with me 19 years ago, is retiring and moving to San Diego at the end of May. (I was 7 when we opened the restaurant.) Alan is the nicest guy you’ll ever meet and more importantly, he’s just plain fun—he laughs at everything and he’s game for anything, anytime. Alan will be missed by the California Tortilla family more than you can possibly imagine. And as for me, words can’t express what a great partner and friend he’s been the past 19 years. You have no idea.